How bad is our tap water?

Despite years of research many people still believe faith that the city would only provide them with clean healthy water.

Over the past 2 decades our society has dumped more chemical waste, sewage, poisons, industrial waste and pharmaceutical drugs into our water sources than at anytime in history. Our rivers and lakes have been contaminated and even the subterranean aquifers that supply our wells and springs have become contaminated by the leaching of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, nitrates, phosphates, dioxins and so many more toxic substances. Manure and other organic waste has led to increased bacteria in our water sources.

Virtually every day the media reports incidents of contamination and pollution of our municipal water sources. Water quality varies from city to city, street to street and tap to tap. Water can change from day to day depending on water treatment techniques and controls.

Our water treatment people are fighting an uphill battle. With limited resources, they try to clean up the water as best as they can. Over 75% of community water supplies are disinfected with chlorine to kill disease-causing germs. Without the chlorine, most of us would be dead in days from water-born bacteria and viruses.

Chlorine is itself a poison and despite its extreme dilution, it does have a long term affect upon our health.

Research by federal, provincial and city departments as well as scientists in universities across the country and around the world, have declared that the regular use of chlorinated water for an extended period of time leads to diseases such as cancer, heart disease and a myriad of other genetic and degenerative disorders.

10 to 15 years ago, statistics showed 1 in 15 would suffer with cancer. The current projections have increased to 1 in 2 within the next 10 years.

Chlorine reacts to organic matter in water and creates Trihalomethanes which have been proven to be carcinogenic.

Escherichia Coli (E.Coli), Gardia Lamblia, Fecal Coliform and Cryptosporidium are microscopic parasites found in the feces of infected humans or animals, often found in water sources after snowmelt or rain storms. When found in drinking water they can cause serious intestinal illness. Some of these parasites are chlorine resistant.

It is estimated that one third of gastro intestinal illnesses can be traced to microbes in tap water.

Current testing methods for Cryptosporidium are imprecise and miss about 90% of the parasites in the raw and finished water.

What most people are not aware of is that the water coming from our taps could in fact be creating the very health problems that we suffer from and are constantly trying to battle. Pollutants picked up as the water passes through distribution pipelines include copper, iron, zinc and lead which often cause unpleasant odour, unpalatable taste and discoloration along with the long term health effects. Lead in water may cause brain retardation in children.

Scrutinizing the contents of our drinking water can reveal a deadly cocktail of poisons and substances in minute traces that destroy healthy body cells or collect in the body and cause harm. Scientists have identified over 2300 different chemicals in our water.

Most people do not drink enough water because it doesn’t taste good and they defer to sweet tasting drinks that diminish rather than increase their bodies water supply.

If you could see the state of the water pipes from the plant to your home you would want the disinfecting power of chlorine in the water right up to your tap but at that point you have to make a decision…

A doctor once said: “you can either have a filter or you will be the filter.”

If you decide to be the filter, remember that replacing the clogged human filter can be a long, painful and sometimes fatal process and the replacement you get is not a new one and is often well worn in.

Its your decision…

Do you want you and your family to be the filters?

Or do you want to be able to throw away the bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, poisons and other contaminants every couple of years and start with a brand new fresh cartridge?

How can we get good water?

Our choices include:

  • Buying bottled water;
  • A pitcher type or faucet mount filter;
  • A Reverse-Osmosis Filtration System;
  • A Water Distillation unit;
  • A Granular Activated Carbon filter (GAC);
  • A Nutri-Tech Water Purifier with the Doulton Ceramic pre-filter.