If Made in Canada is important to you, you know that most North American made products cost more. For one, Canadian workers earn considerably more than our foreign counterparts, and because of it, our families enjoy a higher standard of living. Equally important, is quality. What is in your foreign made cookware or water filter housing made from? What metals did they use? They won’t even tell us.

Stainless steel cookware varies in price and is determined by the quality of the stainless steel. 18/10 stainless is the minimum standard to qualify as stainless steel (18 parts chromium, 10 parts nickel total 28 parts out of 100). “What then, are the other 72 parts “filler metals” in foreign made cookware?

CanAm Wellness Vacumatic cookware is manufactured to our strict standards and specifications by New Era in Clarksville, Tennessee, in business since 1874, and they have been manufacturing our Vacumatic line of cookware since 1965. Only the highest quality filler metals of Vanadium, Titanium and Surgical Steels from Canada are used to create Vacumatic 316Ti surgical stainless steel quality Waterless cookware. We guaranty it for a full 50 years!

Our NEW and innovative 7-Ply Vacumatic Induction Cooking System incorporates Full-Body Construction (not just a slab bottom) to provide perfect heat conduction, preventing heat loss during and after cooking. The technology used in creating our Full Body Construction cookware was developed by MIT and it is exclusive to Vacumatic. Made in Tennessee by a company in business since 1874. Click HERE to read about the history of Vacumatic.

We believe that your family deserves the best, without compromise, and at CanAm Wellness we have the World’s Finest Cookware of the highest possible quality 316Ti surgical steel also made in the USA, saving jobs and the Canadian Way of Life.

CanAm Wellness is based in Ottawa Ontario.

We also manufacture surgical stainless steel water purifiers right here in Ottawa using 100% parts and components made in North America.


I really don’t care if my cell phone or coffee table is made in China, but anything that goes into my body, such as toxic metal oxides from cookware, leaching plastics from inferior water filter housings or plastic off gassing from air filters, this is where I want my products made in North America. Our standard of quality materials are much higher than many other countries. 

Your health is our business, so we take into consideration the quality of every componant. Such as lead free brass shut-off valves and bolts, and NSF food grade o-ring lubricant. I all makes a difference.