Water Purifiers

Our water purifiers use a six stage ceramic cartridge, which is washable and allows the free flow of Calcium and natural rich minerals, all for just pennies a day.

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Air Purifiers

Air Purifiers make the air you breathe up to 99% cleaner… providing a safer, fresher, more comfortable environment. A cleaner, healthier lifestyle… with every breath you take!

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Waterless Cookware

Vacumatic 7-Ply Surgical Steel with Titanium Cooking Utensils. A new concept in food preparation made by one of the world’s most respected cooking utensil manufacturer.

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CanAm Wellness Ltd. is proud to offer high quality products like water filters, air purifiers, waterless cookware, juice extractors, and an array of home-health related products.

Click HERE to view our Catalogue.

All of our health and wellness products are exclusive and not available in stores. We promote the finest American and Canadian made products we can find. Vacumatic Waterless Cookware is the best quality we can find globally. Our surgical steel water filters with the multi-stage stage washable ceramics are built by us in Canada. The air purifiers are built to last a lifetime and also manufactured in Canada.

What is worse than paying too much for a product is paying too little.

Quality always pays.

We are now very excited to announce that we now carry the highest quality air purifier made in Canada.

You can win the air purifier, set of cookware or the water purifier for free if you can show us higher quality anywhere in the world.

Our Model 2000 air filter is custom made for us in Montreal.

Our surgical steel Universal water purifier is built by us in Ottawa.

Our 7-ply Vacumatic 316Ti surgical steel cookware is made in Tennessee.

Show us where we can find higher quality anywhere on this planet and we will be happy to ship this to you for FREE.

I believe that if we purify the water we drink, filter the air we breathe, cook in utensils that don’t give off metal oxides and preserve all the natural goodness, and juice at least 3 times a week, we can add an extra 10 years onto our lives. Yet most people still treat their cars better than their own body and health.

CanAm Wellness has the tools you need to live a long healthy toxic free life by properly looking after the only vehicle you will ever own. Your Body.